Tuesday 4 March 2014

33 and counting....

My last entry as a 33 year old. Sad times, but what you going to do. On with the show I hear you cry. And so we must, and so we shall.
We had a leaving meal for one of Pam’s work friends on Wednesday which was a nightmare. There must have been thirty people, which was nice for Chris (our friend), he is that popular, but not for the ones of us that wanted to eat that night. Actually I must confess, I was not a problem. Turned up last ordered first and got my large Mega Meaty pizza. Badda bing as they say in Italia. One girl had to wait around two and a half hours for her meal, well after everyone else had eaten. It took them one and a half hours to bring Pam’s milk shake! And then there was the bill. One person absconded without paying, then there was a shortage at the end. But eventually it all got sorted out.
Work this week has been a bit Dickensian, a tale of two projects. And two subcontractors. The football field steps are coming along at a relatively good pace, and hopefully they will be finished soon. Then  I can don my short shorts and challenge people to a game of netball. The car park has moved at a more African pace, with very little happening. Too much soil, wrong equipment, blah blah blah.
Friday we had yet another leaving do, much more sophisticated though, at a little Italian, with wine and pasta and steaks. Before some clever Luigi points out that pizza is Italian, (ie the other places was Italian) yes and no. Wednesday’s restaurant is the kind of place where it serves pizzas, burgers, Chinese, thai, Mexican, Indian and no doubt a whole load more I have forgotten. No, Friday we had candles and ambiance.
Then Saturday (bugger forgotten to take picture of breakfast again!) we had a farewell breakfast to Claire as she left Malawi and is now freezing back in blighty somewhere (hello Claire). Then the remainder of Saturday was spent unpicking Pam’s hair resulting innnnnnnnn this!

Which was a pointless exercise because for the first 6 hours of Sunday the women had to put a different set back in again. Resulting in this. (Arty shot).

(Blessings somewhat confused as to where the course went!)

Sunday afternoon was very energetic spent playing mini golf around our compound followed by swimming in the pool and eating from a braai in the sunshine – I know I know this volunteering is terrible, awful! 

Then the evening was a game fest dominated by moi. Three games of Bananagrams – 3 victories for me. One game of Beans – another victory for me.
This by the way is Pam’s board using all the letters of bananagrams. She was very impressed with herself.

And then finally on Monday, which was a bank holiday due to it being Martyrs day Pam and I decided to go all the way to Satamewa Tea Estate which boasts mountain biking, croquet, green bowls, horse riding.

The journey there.

What it fails to tell you is that you will be turned away at the gate if you don’t have a booking. Guess what – we didn’t have a booking. Yep sat there at the gate for about 20mins wondering if they would let us in. But nope, they turned us around. 
Just before the gate.

Tea pickers doing what tea pickers do.

We decided to visit Game Haven instead. A safari/country park/country club. Looks like it has a very nice golf course though, not sure if the Ibexes get’s you extra points on the driving range!
Ibexes left, 100 yard marker right.

And a take away Indian curry saw off the week in comfort.

We also found Wally on the way. He was very athletic and didn't wait for the truck to stop before jumping on.
Distance to Satamewa: 45kms – mostly wasted.
Meals eaten out this week – 7
Films watched this week – 4
                After Earth 5/10
                Django Unchained 6/10 (bit disappointed in QT)
                12 Years A Slave 9/10 Excellent film. Not a nice film by any means, but a great one.
                Warm Bodies – 6.5/10 Bit of harmless fun.
Hours taken for Pam’s hair – 6 –by the way it took about 6 to get it out as well.
Number of people who have left since we have been here – 8 (included short term visitors)
Days until Pam’s mum turns up – 10
Days until my parents turn up – 42
Days until my birthday - 2

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