Tuesday 27 May 2014

Look away now if you don't want to know the scores

The campaigns have finished, the votes have been cast, the fingers dipped in ink, and still we don’t know who has won the election!

Tuesday was voting day. In their wisdom the Government did not declare it a public holiday even though knowing that people would have to queue for hours to cast their votes. More than that a lot of people work in the cities but want to return to their home towns to vote for their local MP. I arrived at work not sure what to expect but thought I should at least turn up to see if anyone else does. They didn't. Well that is not actually true. MPhidza did, bless his cottons. He arrived and told me he would vote at 4.30 after he had done his days work. So I did what all good managers do, I inspected all my sites, and then went for a coffee. It was not long before we heard stories of riots and entire roads being set on fire! Apparently this was only in two districts, one where the ballot papers had not been delivered and another where they didn't have the presidential candidates on them. By mid-afternoon it had all died down.

That evening we said goodbye to some our friends who have now left Malawi with a cheese and wine party and a good old fashion board game – Settlers of Catan. If you like board games I recommend it.
Wednesday we were nearly back up to full force, but due to the mess of the previous days polls all those polling stations that were destroyed the people had to vote at them again. By Thursday the rumblings were starting and one minister had committed suicide. And by the weekend the current President wanted the vote null and void asking for another vote in 90 days. The winner (or likely winner if they ever get round to announcing it) wanted the original 8 day counting period to stand and the voting commission have announced they are extending that to 30 days to give them enough time to recount the votes. Cue more riots and set fire to things. But we are safe and well and haven’t seen any trouble at all.

Views from the top
Saturday we shopped and toured coffee shops. Sunday I climbed Michiru – one of the three mountains that surrounds Blantyre. Our guide also had the biggest gun I have ever seen. I am pretty sure it was an M16 assault rifle.
Bringing out the Big Guns

Anyhew we climbed to the top but were hampered on the way down by a troop of baboons. Sadly I have been rubbish again and have not got any photos. I keep blaming my phone as I can't get photos off it, but instead I will endeavour to take my little camera with me from now on. I know, I know, I am letting down the reader.

Us at the top
Monday I finished the fifth draft of my book! Woo hoo. It is still not finished finished but I will leave it for a week or so and start the polishing exercise.

I do have some photos though, so here is the canopy at work and the netball court. Please do not mention the health and safety. It is not really a ‘thing’ here!
When finished it will hold 120 solar panels

The Netball court complete with skiving students

The post are removed by us so they are not removed by someone else


Riots I saw - 0
Fires I saw - 0
Gatherings of disgruntled people I saw - 1
Chances of seeing a new President before we leave - 50/50
Games of Settlers I player - 2
Games I won - 1
Height of Michiru - 1430
Time taken to the top - 2 hours
Animals seen - Black Eyed Bou Bou, Mango Monkey, Vervet Monkey, about 40 Baboons
Words in the Fifth revision - 100,356

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