Tuesday 17 June 2014

I saw the sign...

To be honest this week has been a bit dull. The car park canopy is structurally finished. Football field is ongoing. Pam still works at the hospital.

Two things I suppose happened that are worthy of a mention. We went to the local to watch the game and managed to find the only Italian Malawian. Not sure if it was on his mother or his fathers side as he was very drunk and could only remember the names of Pirlo and Balotelli which he took great delight in repeating constantly!

The second happened only yesterday when at lunch time Debbie sauntered along the path to nearly step on a snake. She, naturally, shrieked and ran away screaming snake to which John came trundling down. When John realised it was a black mamba he didn’t even flinch. He simply picked up a 6 foot piece of wood and proceeded to batter it to death from a safe distance.

Snake meet stick, stick meet snake.

Job Done.

So that was pretty much our week.

But don't worry. I have a treat in store for you. 
I have been hanging on to these for some time now, waiting for an opportune moment. I feel without much of a week, and now we are inside the two months, I think it is a good time.
When one is abroad you quite often see things that make you question, make you laugh or even make you wince. Yes it is all those ‘Lost in Translations’ items. We have been acquiring these for a while and now I would like to take you on a journey around Malawi in signs.

I will offer explanations where I can but some, well you just have to go with it.
To enlarge the photos just click on them.


R and Ls are a challenge to Malawians!

Not funny, just nice.

Where Fozzie Bear parks his car.

PAM with her own sign. Yet to find Chris.

I nearly pooped myself.

And you thought horsemeat was controversial!

The world's shortest diversion?

Covering all bases.

Who said the German's had no sense of humour.

Always good to limit unnecessary travel costs.

No caption needed.

It's a washing powder....

They could have copied the bottle! Two Jeggabombs please.

Staph Aureous B.I.G.

This is our corner shop.....

Apparently Assembly of God is a religion. 

Janice's are everywhere out here! And Chinese!

We think this is supposed to be a 007 Martini but they came up short.

Told you - everywhere.

Damn it. Should have had someone standing in this photo!

Google Translate has a lot to answer for.

This is an actual Work Visa form for Botswana. (Pam and I won't be going).


Hits taken to kill a black mamba - 5
Chance of a bite envenomating you - 80%
Time to die if envenomed - 2 - 8 hours
Amount of antivenom in Malawi - 0
Number of people that think envenomate is not a word - most.
Time taken to gather all these signs - 9 months
Personal favourite - Got to be Botswana - oh how we laughed.

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