Tuesday 7 January 2014

Cheese, disease and redundancies

7th January 2014

(Apologies for the poor colour contrast. I got cocky and tried to put a Malawi picture as a background. Little did I know of the difficulties of a photo with varying themes and I only have a limited number of photos at work. I will endeavor to rectify it as soon as possible.)

I am writing this on the day it will (hopefully) be posted. Rare but let’s be honest not very special. Having written and posted last Thursday due to Christmas and New Year frivolities there is only really this weekend to write about. Well we went on a pub crawl around our little township place. This involved two bottle stores and a pub. Beer was consumed. Football was watched. Leeds Utd are now out of the FA cup. Yes surprisingly enough the Leeds Rochdale game was being shown in a pub in Malawi. I also ate chicken neck. It tasted like a chicken neck smells and so I swallowed very quickly and drank lots more beer.

One thing of note is the disease that is slowly dissolving my arm and I fully expect to wake up one morning with a rotten stump. No not really. But this is what it looks like.


Having a wife as a doctor means I have access to quite a lot of collective medical knowledge. Guess what – none of them know what it is. It has been muted that it looks like something has crawled up inside.....Current treatment is antibiotics. We are also going to see if there is something inside by covering it with Vaseline and seeing if the worm crawls out for air, at which point I will throw up, Pam will grab it with some tweezers and pull, and our cameraperson will make suitable squeals and noises to liven up the youtube video!

Pam and I also decided to extend our Christmas holiday back sacking off the communal meal last night and had cheese and wine instead. It was thoroughly deserved and enjoyed.

Then this morning I found out that my construction team of workers has been ‘let go’ and so we are now in the process of working out what work we can afford to complete and how many of them we need back. All good in the hood.
Number of workers 'let go' - 80
Number to come back - 14
Cost of cheese - 15 pounds
Months it has taken me to work out how to get only one post on the front page on the blog - 4!!

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