Tuesday 21 January 2014

My arm...

21st January 2014

It’s still here! I’m not armless! Yes my little worm has gone. No it didn’t poke it’s head out and say hello. I took a course of some deworming stuff and it has gone. So nothing to fear from that.
Exciting news this week is that I have found a rugby club. So from Thursday this week I will be playing, but they only play touch at the moment. A few full contact games may be on the cards in the future against other cities but we will wait and see. Reading the Mighty Harborne RFC results has got me jealous!
So Sunday we decided to have a Pam and Chris day. We left early and drove off into the sunrise (doesn’t have the same ring to it does it) to spend the day at Fisherman’s rest. A little restaurant tea room with a lodge and a nature garden thing. All excited we pulled in to the gate to see the big sign that said ‘Closed’. Bugger. We hadn’t taken into account that it may have been closed on a Sunday. After a chat with the gate man though it turns out it had been closed since June last year and they don’t know when it will reopen. Brilliant, but there was nice views on the road out.

So we turned round had headed back to Blantyre and thought we would give the local French Bistro a chance.

Wow. Pam had Coq au vin and I decide to indulge and had a T-bone steak and fries. It was delicious. I am salivating at the thought of it now and I can assure you will be going again. We then sat in the garden overlooking the city and drank coffee and read books.

They have a very funny tradition there. When you arrive and they set up the table they ask where you are from. I said I was born in Scotland and Pam was born in England. The corresponding flags are put in the flowers as you can see in the picture below.

What I wasn’t expecting is what the proprietor Jean-Michel would also do with the photos!

Sunday night we were invited to film night at a local bar with some of Pam’s work colleagues. Someone – I don’t know who, I had no knowledge of it, it wasn’t me (incase 20th Century Fox is reading) had a copy of ‘Wolf of Wall Street’. Well someone else had decided to invite their Malawian guards family including Agogo ( granny) who was in her 80s. Bit of background they are quite religious and conservative. The opening scene of the film involves Leonardo Di Capprio snorting a line of cocaine of a prostitutes rear and goes downhill from there. Only one of the Malawians stayed until the end and it was a bit cringe worthy for the organisers. The bar owner said afterwards, he liked the film but next time they should maybe put a description of it up first!


Number of arms I have – 2
Distance travelled to Fishermans rest – 15km
Time spent there – 3 mins
Number of different nationalities at French bistro – 5 (scot, eng, german – yes the towels were on the sun loungers (sorry German Dawson family but it was true!), French Jean Pierre has been in the sun too long, and Malawi)
Number of times the ‘f’ word is used in wolf of wall street – Over 500, a new record, Mum it’s not your cup of tea.
Number of Malawians that left during it – 9
Number of Oscars it will win – 2 (my guess)!

How disturbed I am at the images from Bistro – VERY.

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